My name is Travis and this website is my love letter to Amsterdam.
It’s the unpredictable nature of life that is what brought a young Texan to the bustling streets of the capital of the Netherlands. I traded in my car for a bicycle, my detached single-story house for a third-floor apartment, and my false sense of American superiority for a much better perspective on life.
At first, I hated it. It was cold, rainy and everyone was so damn tall. But, then winter turned into spring and summer, the sun came out, and I quickly fell in love with Amsterdam. It’s images like the one below, that make me love living here so much. It’s one of the motivating factors for making this poor excuse of a website.

- Personally, I am someone that likes to travel, learn, and create things.
- Professionally, I am a digital content marketer/marketing manager.
This website is a reflection of those two aspects of my life. For now, it is just a way for me to share my love of and admiration for this great city of Amsterdam, while also testing out some digital content ideas.
In the future, who knows what this website will be. But while you are here, I hope you enjoy yourself.
P.S. You probably still have two questions, so let me answer them for you.
- Yes, I speak Dutch.
- No, I don’t like drop.